Monday, September 28, 2009

A Father and Son Conversation

I am finding the idea of a blog to be interesting, especially since I am not sure who all will read this. I imagine that visitors to the site might check it out, along with a few members -- perhaps with time that will change. My son was the first to write a comment -- and today being a typical Monday we sent a few emails back and forth. Surprise of surprises -- this is my blog for the day, a conversation between father and son.

Chad – I am enjoying listening to Dad’s sermon on marriage from August 2nd! I tell you, it’s much easier to listen when you don’t have to sit through hymns first, and when you can see how much time he has left on his sermon on the iPod.

Dad – So you are counting the minutes until the sermon is over? It should sound familiar -- reflective of what I said at your wedding. Have a great week! Love, Dad

Chad – Ha! No, but it was just funny to realize I could see how much more was left. J Can’t d0 that in church! Sara and Li Kwen will be able to continue listening to your sermons now if they want! I think this will be a really good thing to have your sermons as MP3s. Did you see I commented on your blog?

Dad – I did see -- I don't have the hang of the blog yet, nor do I know who in the world is going to read it. If I had a "following" I might do more with that -- I am uncertain how to "market" it or if it is ready to be marketed -- but we will see.

Chad – Post about it on Facebook and see who shows up. You’d be surprised at how many people read blogs.

Dad – That means I will have to work hard to say something meaningful... not something I do very well on a Monday morning...

Chad – Well, a blog is not necessarily a place where finished things live. You can grapple with things on them, get people to weigh in on things, share stories, humor, happenings, etc. It’s a good way to keep a record of things.

Dad – Yeah, maybe I suffer under the notion that as pastor I have to have everything figured out and others need simply to say, "Oh, how wise you are!" -- at least, I think that is what some of my church folks expect -- or maybe I just think they expect it.

Chad – You can be wise and still not have everything figured out. J I think you’re a “wise guy” in the best way possible.

Dad – So maybe I will just use this series of correspondences as my blog for the day, the dialogue between father and son on a Monday

Chad – You sure could!

And now I have!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Website changes

The pastor's blog is a new addition to our website and one I am looking forward to using. Our site administrator, Rob Hribar, has made a number of changes on our web page to make it easier to navigate and to be more user friendly to those who make their first visit. My hope and prayer is that this may be just one more way that we can impact the lives of those visit our site.

Hebrews 12:15 in the NIV has weighed on my mind all week. Though I have read it many times, only recently did the first part of the verse have such impact -- "See to it that no one misses the grace of God." That is truly my desire and the desire of the First Baptist Church family -- we don't want anyone to miss out on the grace of God found through the Lord Jesus, and so we are on the look out for ways to make connections with people, build relationships, and share God's love.